
Anca Rauta Acacia Elite Prodexim

ACCACIA - Products designed with soul for the HORECA industry - interview

For 18 years, ACCACIA products have managed to satisfy both Horeca professionals and their customers. Thanks to its vast experience and product quality, the company has established itself in the hospitality industry and developed beautiful and long-lasting collaborations. What are the challenges encountered in the field of arranging Horeca spaces and how has the market developed, we learn from Anca Răuță, ACCACIA Administrator at Elite Prodexim

ACCACIA - Products designed with soul for the HORECA industry - interview Read the article

Accacia received a diploma of excellence at the "Romania esti TU" GALA

De la acel vis de vacanță, de la dorința de a te simți mai ceva decât în propriul tău cămin, de la ceea ce simțea ea că ar trebui să găsească într-o camera de hotel a venit ideea Accacia. Și astăzi este bucuroasă când pătrunde acolo, în universul călătoriilor făcute de plăcere, și descoperă tot

Accacia received a diploma of excellence at the "Romania esti TU" GALA Read the article

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